You will be in a splint for the first two weeks after surgery.
Bleeding through the dressing is normal. Expect some reddish staining of the splint near the surgical site.
Reinforce the splint with ACE wrap as needed.
No weight may be put on the leg during the first two weeks. You may use crutches and the other leg to get around.
Elevate the leg on 2-3 pillows as much as possible.
Ice helps with swelling and pain.
Protect the dressing from getting wet
Swelling may persist for at least a year in some way.
Therapy will start at this point, 4-6 weeks after surgery.
Therapy will be very gentle for the first two weeks (4-6 weeks to 6-8 weeks after surgery). At the 6th or 8th week after surgery, the therapy will become harder and you will do more activity.
During therapy, as you get stronger, you will go from the boot to a brace for walking.